Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Underground Railroad The Secret System Of Escape...

The Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad is one of the most historical national monuments around the world. The term underground railroad was used to describe a network of meeting places, secret passageways, and safe houses used by the African slaves to escape the slave states and travel to the northern states, such as Canada (â€Å"Underground Railroad Where History†) . The Underground Railroad also had many prominent figures including Harriet Tubman, John Fairfield, and Levi Coffin (â€Å"People and Events†). The Underground Railroad is known as one of the most secret systems of escape during slavery. The history of the Underground Railroad began in the mid 1800’s and was aided by people involved in the Abolition movement. By the year 1862, thousands of people were involved in the dangerous process of freeing slaves. The people who helped the slaves escape were called â€Å"conductors† or â€Å"engineers† and helped the slaves escape by g iving them jobs, shelter and food. They also hid the slaves away from people who were trying to catch them and return them to their slave owners. The places used to stash the slaves were known as stations. For instance, people’s homes and barns were used as a place to hold the slaves during their journey to freedom. In these stations, the slaves were fed, clothed and their wounds were treated, until it was time to move to the next location. The escaping slaves were referred to as passengers, cargo or goods. The conductors, Quakers and otherShow MoreRelatedUnderground Railroad Essay Outline1333 Words   |  6 PagesTHE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 1 The Underground Railroad Raymond Allen Setlock West Catholic High School THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 2 Our country’s history had its good times and also its bad times. One of our bad times in our country’s history was the time when the United States allowed slavery to takeRead MoreThe Underground Railroad And The Civil War1709 Words   |  7 PagesThe Underground Railroad was a passage to freedom for the slaves which made the slave-owners exasperate. The slaves had to risk their lives while travelling to the northern states but it was worth it as the result of such hard work was freedom. The underground railroad, a secret network running from the Deep South through the free states and to the Canadian border that helped slaves escape from the slave-holding states before the Civil War, allowed abolitionists and their allies to help runawayRead MoreThe Great Escape: Harriet Tubman Essay1027 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Parker -†(â€Å"Underground Railroad: A Pathway to Freedom† 1) . These were all well known individuals who escaped slavery using the Underground Railroad. Beginning in the late 1700’s, many lives were at risk all for the sake of their freedom. The Underground Railroad was not only a secret system that was used to help fugitive slaves gain their freedom, but it was an opportunity for a better life. Although the Railroad had its advantages, it also had many downfalls. The life of slavery had taken a largeRead MoreThe Underground Railroad Essay1530 Words   |  7 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the Pre-Civil War era in America, many Africans become enslaved. They were taken from their homes in Africa, packed densely onto ships and transported across the Atlantic to Southern America. White Americans bought these Africans, including children, to work on crop plantations or do housework. (Africans Arrive in North America) Countless slaves tried to escape the southern slave states to the anti-slavery northern states. A number of slaves even went as far as Canada to be free of theRead MoreHelping Slaves Escape with t he Underground Railroad1140 Words   |  5 PagesThe Underground Railroad was a hidden system developed to help fugitive slaves escape from bondage. It is both a dangerous and illegal task to assist these fugitive runaways with their escape. Secret codes were created to help protect themselves and to reach their destinations safely. One of these secret codes was the â€Å"Quilt Code,† it was used to display various geometric shapes and patterns resembling those found in American patchwork quilts. These quilts displayed messages in connection withRead MoreThe Underground Railroad Was The Name Used To Describe1095 Words   |  5 PagesThe Underground Railroad was the name used to describe a network of secret routes and safe houses used to help African American slaves escape into free states and Canada. Many slaves risked their lives to be free. Slavery began during the American Revolution and near the end of the Civil War when millions of African Americans were captured from Africa and were forced onto slave ships that sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to North America to be sold into slavery. Before the underground railroad, ifRead MoreEssay On Underground Railroad1005 Words   |  5 Pages Underground railroads have been prominent in history since the early nineteenth century. Throughout time, numerous different underground railroads have been created for many different purposes, all liberating those subject to slavery or poverty. Modern slavery, known as human trafficking, usually affects immigrants who do not completely know their rights or who are tricked into a â€Å"job† that does not fit its original description. This applies to Unwind due to the way the kids are treated and theRead MoreAmerican History: UnderGround RailRoad Provided a Scape to Slaves1359 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the first half of the nineteenth century, slavery was one of the most controversial topics in the United States of America, where the questions of whether or not slavery should be abolished or permitted sparked much debate and tension between the North and South – that ultimately lead to the Civil War. The Underground Railroad was established in the mid-1800s as an in formational system of clandestine that aided slaves in escaping towards the Northern States and Canada through secret pathwaysRead MoreThe Life Of Harriet Tubman And Frederick Douglass1224 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the 19th century, over 100,000 slaves from southern plantations within the United States achieved their freedom through the Underground Railroad. This system of hiding and aiding a slave in order to achieve their freedom was attributed greatly to the sacrifices of many Americans. Most of the locations of the Underground Railroad are continuously a secret to this day. Many white Americans and already free slaves risked their lives to help other slaves escape the harsh conditions of theirRead MoreSlavery And The Underground Railroad1520 Words   |  7 Pages Slavery was a horrific action that took place for hundreds of years., The Underground Railroad was a way to escape this atrocity. The Underground Railroad was not an actual railroad that was underground, but inste ad a system of homes and places that would house runaway slaves and help them to escape to the North. The Underground Railroad was a dangerous thing, but had the great reward of, freedom for slaves, if theyyou successfully completed the challenge. It took great courage and bravery to take

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